Ситуация с политическими заключенными в Туркменистане требует срочных действий со стороны международного сообщества

Заявление правозащитной кампании «Покажите их живыми!» в связи со смертью в тюрьме Тиркиша Тырмыева Международная кампания «Покажите их живыми!» выражает крайнюю озабоченность в связи со смертью в тюрьме бывшего начальника Государственной пограничной службы Туркменистана генерал-майора Тиркиша Тырмыева, ставшего жертвой политических чисток во времена Ниязова и с тех пор находившегося в заключении. 13 января туркменские власти выдали тело […]

Turkmen Special Services Increasing Pressure on Dissidents Abroad

Against a backdrop of growing international criticism of the human rights situation in Turkmenistan, the country’s security services have stepped up operations aimed at suppressing the voices of exiled dissidents. Over the past month, at least two Turkmen families in Moscow, and their relatives in Turkmenistan, were subjected to aggressive pressure.

On Forced Disappearances in Turkmenistan and the Case of Boris Shikhmuradov

Statement by Prove They Are Alive! Campaign “Prove They Are Alive!” campaign expresses its strong disappointment and regret at the failure of the government of Turkmenistan to provide a substantive reply to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on its decision on the case of Boris Shikhmuradov within the period established by the Committee. We […]

Turkmenistan: End Enforced Disappearances

Русский Campaign Spotlights Dozens Who Have Heard Nothing about Imprisoned Relatives for More than a Decade Dozens of people have been forcibly disappeared in Turkmenistan, some for more than a decade, a coalition of human rights groups called the Prove They Are Alive! campaign said today in connection with the International Day of the Disappeared, which […]

The Unanswered Letter

Before you is a letter, which was sent in November 2013 to Rashid Meredov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, by members of the international campaign, ‘Prove They Are Alive.’ The campaign was developed to defend the dozens, possibly hundreds, of people who have disappeared in Turkmenistan’s prisons. In our letter, we asked the […]