Parallel OSCE Civil Society Forum in Minsk
Parallel OSCE Civil Society Forum has been successfully held in Minsk on 4 July. It took place on the eve of the 26th annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
The Forum was organized by Belarusian human rights NGOs together with the Civic Solidarity Platform. More than 100 people participated in the event, including representatives of Belarusian human rights NGOs, members of the Platform from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine, other foreign NGOs such as FIDH, Frontline, and Amnesty International. The Forum was attended by guests including two Vice Presidents of OSCE PA Kent Harstedt and Isabel Santos, OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella, Chair of OSCE PA Committee on Human Rights Nacho Amore, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Belarus Miklos Harazsti, ODIHR Human Rights Adviser Brian Giffry, representatives of embassies in Minsk, etc.
It was the first international human rights meeting in Belarus for many years. A strong resolution was adopted.
Participants of the Forum will now observe the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and advance their positions there.
You can view the Forum’s Resolution here (PDF)
Read news and updates from Sivic Solidarity Platform here.