Date of birth: 1942, in the village of Kodzh Kizilarvatskiy Etrap, Balkanskiy Velyat
Citizenship: Turkmen
Residence at time of arrest: Unknown
Position when arrested: Unknown
Charges: Arrested in 2001, charged with economic crimes
Sentence: Unknown
Biography: Began his career as a station dispatcher, and then as deputy manager of the railroad station “Ashgabat”. Graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Engineering and Railroad transport. In 1970-80 worked in the Chardzhou department of the Central Asian railroad. In 1980-91 managed this department. In 1991-92, he was the first deputy head of the Turkmenistan Railroad. He was released from duty in January 2001 for ‘serious shortcomings’ in his work and was under investigation.