Open Letter to Serdar Berdymukhamedov

To: Serdar Berdymukhamedov, President of Turkmenistan From: The Prove They Are Alive! campaign Dear President Berdymukhamedov: We are writing to you following your recent election as President of Turkmenistan about the issue of enforced disappearances in Turkmenistan, a grave violation of human rights as recognized by the United Nations. We are asking you to consider […]

Combating Enforced Disappearances Must Become an Important Part of the Implementation of the Expanded 2020 OSCE Commitment on Torture Prevention and Eradication

Civic Solidarity Platform’s (CSP) Working Group on Turkmenistan produced an overview on enforced disappearances in the OSCE region, which was included in a new CSP report, assessing compliance with the prohibition of torture in OSCE countries  On February 1, 2022, the CSP’s Working Group on Fighting Torture released a new report, “Current Assessment of Compliance […]

Updated Report Documents 162 Cases of Enforced Disappearances in Turkmenistan

List of the Disappeared in Turkmenistan’s Prisons (PDF) The Prove They Alive! campaign presents an updated report on the disappeared in Turkmenistan’s prisons. This updated list documents 162 cases of enforced disappearances since 2002. A substantial increase in the number of documented cases compared to the previous 2019 list (121 cases) is due to newly […]

Обращение гражданского общества: Государства-участники ОБСЕ должны инициировать Московский механизм в отношении Туркменистана

Решительные международные действия необходимы для прекращения насильственных исчезновений в Туркменистане. Спустя двадцать лет после начала массовых репрессий государства-участники ОБСЕ должны инициировать Московский механизм в отношении Туркменистана для решения проблемы продолжающихся грубых нарушений прав человека Обращение гражданского общества к участникам заседания Совета министров иностранных дел ОБСЕ в Стокгольме[1] Обращение также доступно в формате PDF В 2022 […]

Statement: OSCE Participating States Should Launch the Moscow Mechanism with Respect to Turkmenistan to Address Continued Human Rights Violations

Strong International Actions Are Essential to Stop Enforced Disappearances in Turkmenistan. Twenty Years after the Start of Mass Repression, OSCE Participating States Should Launch the Moscow Mechanism with Respect to Turkmenistan to Address Continued Gross Human Rights Violations Civil society appeal to participants of the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Stockholm[1] The appeal is also […]

Statement on the International Week of the Disappeared

The statement is also available in PDF format  Every last week of May, the Prove They Are Alive! campaign joins the global community in observing the International Week of the Disappeared. On this occasion, the Prove! campaign remembers all those who have been forcibly disappeared in the prisons of Turkmenistan and renews its resolve to […]

Язгельды Гундогдыев, бывший высокопоставленный чиновник и жертва насильственных исчезновений в Туркменистане, скончался после 18 лет тюремного заключения без связи с внешним миром

Заявление кампании «Покажите их живыми!» Кампании «Покажите их живыми!» стало известно из заслуживающего доверия источника[1], что 28 декабря 2020 года в тюремном заключении скончался бывший высокопоставленный государственный чиновник Туркменистана Язгельды Гундогдыев. 64-летний Гундогдыев являлся бывшим главой международного отдела аппарата президента и бывшим главой администрации Дашогузского велаята. Гундогдыев скончался в колонии, проведя более 18 лет в […]

Yazgeldy Gundogdyev, Former High Ranking Official and a Victim of Enforced Disappearance in Turkmenistan, Dies in Custody after 18 Years of Incommunicado Detention

Statement by the Prove They Are Alive! Campaign The Prove They Are Alive! campaign has learned from a trustworthy source[1] that a former high-ranking Turkmen government official, Yazgeldy Gundogdyev, died in custody on December 28, 2020. Gundogdyev, 64, was former Head of the International Department of the Presidential Administration and the former Head of Administration […]

Reyimov, Atadjan

Reyimov, Atadjan Imitjanovich Biography: Master of Sport for Boxing. Participated in informal studies on Islam, conducted by Bahram Saparov. Lived in Lebap Province. Arrest and conviction: Arrested on March 9, 2013. Charged with involvement in anti-state activities (conspiracy to take power, etc.). Convicted on May 22, 2013, by Lebap province court under Art. 174 p. […]

Saparov, Bakhram

Saparov, Bakhram Jumanazarovich Biography: Born on May 31, 1982, in Turkmenabad city of Lebap Province. The leader of an unregistered Muslim group (up to 60 people), since 2007 unofficially taught Islam. Worked in the fueling service of the local airport. Lived in Turkmenabad. Arrest and conviction: Arrested on March 9, 2013 together with approximately 20 […]